
Addy Will Know - Song Page

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Addy Will Know - Song Page 




Addy Will Know [Free Download]


I couldn’t think of that book that I read

The one where the characters all wind up dead

Or maybe it was only just one guy

Who bit the dust in the ending



Wanted to take in a film about birds

It’s a good thing to know some of the words

That they’ll be using in the film

And what they really mean



but when I looked in reference

I couldn’t find the section

I thought that I could find it on my own



Addy will know (4x)



I needed an article on global war

The chance of us screwing this up even more

I wanted to know who the general was

That made us drop the H-Bomb



There was guy  who was whack in the head

Never made any money and when he was dead

A hundred umbrellas were found inside

Who was this guy



Addy will know (4x)



But when I tried to find him,

In the music section

I got lost and had to double back






Addy will know (8x)



I couldn’t think of that book that I read

The one where the characters all wind up dead


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